Thursday, October 29, 2009

Confused again . . .

The relo company told me to open an account with Natwest Bank as they have a relationship with them. I am unable to do so as I am not yet a UK resident. Then I reread my sheet from UK Pro about getting a UK mobile and it said that we could either get one through them which would be active as soon as we landed, OR we could save money and wait to get one when we got there.

So what should I do???

I wrote Icon to tell them I couldn't open an account from here and asked them to advise. (I can always open one with HSBC from a link UK Pro provided, but you have to complete the opening on arriving in the UK.)

As to the mobile, IDK right now. Icon didn't really tell me much I hadn't learned from their web site already. Oh yeah, they did say that they would be working with us in our first couple days at work to secure housing, so that won't be set up before we go unless we do it on our own, which I imagine would involve more red tape. And they can arrange for our housewares and such to be sent as "excess baggage," which will save us money over other shipping methods, but they do not pay for it, so I still think getting rid of most of my furniture is probably the way to go.

I'd like to see some specifics on that, i.e., so much per pound, but didn't think to ask on this first call. My relocation specialist, a nice lady named Sam Pope, said she would call me every week from here on out, so I should be able to get my questions answered.

It's all so simple and complicated at the same time. I don't feel like there's anything to actually worry about, but I'm not 100% sure what I'm doing yet either. Patience would seem the better part of valor.

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