Thursday, February 11, 2010

Went into Ashford today and had so much fun. It was cold but not snowy here in Maidstone, then halfway to Ashford on the M20 we hit a blizzard!!! It just snowed and snowed and snowed. My assigned buddy Hazel drove me back to the Hilton this afternoon, by which time there were at least 3-4 inches of snow on the ground and I got my first experience with lotsa gray SLUSH that I've heard of all my life. While I was sitting up on the 2nd, uh, 3rd floor (first floor = ground floor, 2nd floor = first floor, 3rd floor = 2nd floor UK:US conversion) it snowed on and off. It was so cozy.

I think I am really gonna like working in Ashford. We're all in a big room together. There are 2 other duty social workers (which is what they're calling what I'll be doing) and they're glad to have me as they have been quite overworked. All the other social workers are there too - - Hannah, who will be working on a long-term care team and is with my group of recent American arrivees, will be in the room with me, which is great. It's just the warmest, friendliest atmosphere you could ask for. Apparently it's SOP to be asked if you want tea or coffee every hour or so, so that's lovely. Just talking to everybody was great. I'm going in again tomorrow but only for a couple hours - - Andy, one of the other workers, has a home visit in the morning but he will pick me up after that - - probably around 11:30 or 12, and then he's leaving around 2 or 3 to get his kids. I think I will finally meet Deb, my line manager, tomorrow though. She wasn't in today.

Well, since it's early and the shops are open late I think I'm gonna try taking the bus into Maidstone. It's time for me to try as I haven't done it before. Laters!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Blizzard, huh?! Well, you were looking to see some snow!

    Wow it seams that you are having a real good experience so are definitely pulling me towards following in your footsteps in a couple of years.

    Remember to take some pictures when you can! Thanks for sharing!
