Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Driving . . .

Well, I'm depressed. The driving assessor is recommending another 2-hour session for me. I thought I did OK - - but not great. She said I needed more experience with roundabouts and she's right. Of the other social workers I've talked to, 3 passed their assessments and one did not.

If I don't pass next time, I have to pay 50 quid for a 3rd mandatory session. Hope THAT doesn't happen. IDK. It was fun driving today, just being out and about. I mean, I did the motorway and everything. That went well - - it was the bloody roundabouts and keeping away from the kerb. Oh yeah, and I kept shifting into 4th instead of 2nd - - think I need to push the shift to the left, instead of to the right as is my habit.

Of course I've been very nervous about this and didn't sleep terribly well last night. If I didn't have to drive for work I might not - - at least for a while - - just being on the roads and getting used to how things work. It's all still VERY new to me and I don't think I pick up new info as quickly as when I was younger either.

That said, I'll get there eventually. Don't know when we'll get lease cars yet anyway. Of course, any cars that are available will go to those that have passed their assessments first. Once I get past the assessment that says I'm fit to drive the lease car, I hafta start preparing for the UK driving test since I'll need a UK licence within a year and it may take that long.

Fortunately I had no illusions that my first year in the UK would be easy - - I knew it would be tough and things would come up that I might not know how to manage straightaway. Things will get better. The meantime, sometimes, is hard to get through. I've been walking a lot but not really enough to shed stress. More meditation would seem in order.

Am I whingeing enough yet???

Waah, :(

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