Monday, March 15, 2010

I passed my driving assessment!!!

And now I get a CAR!!!!!

It's coming a week from tomorrow, the 23rd, in the morning. I'll have an orientation in it as my assessment today was not in the model car I will have, which is a Toyota Aygo. This was a Chevy, model I couldn't say. One of those "only in Europe" models.

The assessment was from 1100-1300 and it was just GORGEOUS out. We drove through the countryside and down to the village of Lenham, through which I've been many times on the train. It's on the way to Maidstone, the county town of Kent, which is on the way to London.

I have some bad US habits to unlearn and will start driving lessons as soon as I can. The good news is I understand roundabouts. I may not always drive them perfectly, as I don't think I've seen any drivers here who do, but I'm not terrified of them any more.

Soon I will have the ability to make home visits on my own when needed, and a good measure of my freedom back!!! AND my kitka!!!!!

Yup, things are heading in the right direction. :)

1 comment:

  1. Yeah!!!! I knew you could do it! Congrats! And think, only a few more days and Toby is coming!!!!
