Friday, March 5, 2010

Life in Ashford

Things have been so busy at work. Lots of phone calls, visits, writing reports and then yesterday a training turned out to be someplace we had to walk to, so I was glad I had my walking shoes with me. My duvet and pillows finally got delivered (they were sitting in the depot for 2 weeks and the day I called they said it was too late and they were going back to the mfr, but the next day they showed up at my office) and my line manager Andy was kind enough to give them and me a lift home. We made a home visit to one of my families on the way. I'm off to ASDA (England's Wal-Mart) in about an hour to get a phone and maybe a foot pump for my Aerobed - - the wall plug crumbled in my hand when I pulled it out last night. After my shipment comes I won't need it right away and can get it fixed, but I'd like to firm it up for however many more days I hafta sleep on it. It's comfy but gets very cold in the middle of the night b/c it's an air mattress and convection causes it to get cold, so I wake up every night.

I did start my spiffy gas fireplace last night. I had tried it once before but this time stood in front of it with directions in hand. It's not complicated but of course the steps hafta be done in order. Once it's going you can set it to either a "coal fire" or "coke fire" effect. I have it on "coal fire" as that seems similar to wood fireplaces I've used - - flickering flames, etc. It felt soooo good last night to sit here with my back to it. And when you're done using it, push a button and off it goes!!!

Haven't heard anything about my cat since Monday, when the cat mover lady was gonna try to reach her London connection to see about getting him delivered in Ashford. Hopefully I will hear from her early next week. The latest email on my shipment was that it was due March 10 and then had to go through customs. I'd like it to be delivered on Saturday but don't know if that's possible. I'm going to a concert next Saturday anyway.

Sending this through while the internet is at its most able - - the connection is very slow at night, which is why I haven't been writing here. My phone and broadband were turned on last week, but I haven't received the broadband installation kit in the mail yet.

I do think spring is coming - - my walk to work takes me past a little brook and I saw a man fishing there yesterday. The grass is green too, probably from so much rain. It didn't rain at all last week though, which was a nice change, and a couple times I got home while there was still light outside. I haven't seen a crocus or a robin, but I'm told they're out there. And I saw a new duckling family on the lake at the Priory in Aylesford!!! :)

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